Installation Overview:
Installing MagicStats is simply a matter of getting the right files in the right places, then configuring the system to find them. This document describes how to go from the source distribution to a working setup on both windows (in progress) and unix platforms.
If you chose to download a precompiled distribution of MagicStats, you can jump ahead to Using Precompiled Binaries.
If you already has MagicStats files installed on your computer, go ahead and skip ahead to "Configuring MagicStats"...
Compiling MagicStats:
Compiling MagicStats shouldn't be too hard if you're using a supported platform (and adding them isn't that tough either, just create a new Makefile.common for your platform). On a unix platform, do this:
prompt> gunzip MagicStats2-pre8.tar.gz
prompt> tar xvf MagicStats2-pre8.tar
... lots of info about file extraction...
prompt> make
Lots of stuff should go by, and in then end, you should get a new "Install" directory tree. This directory tree is what you get when you download the precompiled binaries, and is all you need to run MagicStats.
To compile MagicStats under Win32, open up MagicStats.dsw in Visual Studio (6.0 is tested, good luck with anything else! :). Compile the "All" project. You should now get a "Install" directory as mentioned before.
Note that although MagicStats has been built in several different configurations with several different C++ compilers, g++ is the most well tested compiler. Any fairly recent variant should work fine (if it doesn't, let me know!).
Now that MagicStats has been built, skip ahead to the section that applys to you:
To use a set of precompiled binaries, uncompress them (using gunzip and tar on unix, or unzip them on windows), then jump head to: